Articles Posted in Probate

Is a Handwritten Will Valid Under Florida Law?

By: Jacqueline R. Bowden Gold, Miami Lakes Estate Planning Attorney

handwritten will
When planning for the future, a crucial step is ensuring that your wishes are respected after your death. This often involves creating a will. However, not all wills are created equal, and understanding the types of wills and required formalities is essential in Florida. One type is a “holographic will,” which is not recognized as valid under Florida law. Let’s explore what a holographic will is, why it’s not valid in Florida, and why a holographic will created in another state may still be problematic if you move to or have assets in Florida.

Keeping Peace in The Family: 5 Common Pitfalls

By Attorney Phil Rarick, Weston Estate Planning Attorney

As an estate planning attorney, I sometimes witness stressful family fights that break out upon the death of a father or mother or husband and wife. On some occasions, it’s outright family warfare! What is painful is that the family was functioning quite well before the passing of their family member.  Here are five common pitfalls to avoid:

Florida Successor Trustee Checklist

By Phillip B. Rarick, Miami Trust Attorney

You are named the successor trustee and the trustmaker has just died.   No doubt these are difficult times, but thankfully there are many resources to help.  The following is a checklist of initial important tasks to help guide you after the funeral or memorial service.

12 Point Wealth Protection Checklist For 2024

By: Phil Rarick & Jacqueline Bowden Gold, Estate & Business Law Attorneys

Note:    Rarick & Bowden Gold’s mission is helping all families protect their hard-earned wealth regardless of size – we provide basic estate planning for families with modest savings and advanced planning for those with substantial wealth.

by: Phillip B. Rarick, Esq.

We have been helping small business owners survive and thrive – in good times and bad – for over 25 years. Here is how we may be able to help you in this current challenging business environment.

1.    Contract Review and Force Majeure. A Force Majeure clause is a standard clause in many contracts. If you have a contract you are trying to get out of – or the reverse – if you have a person trying to nullify performance under your existing contract the interpretation of the “Force Majeure” clause will be a determining factor.

by: Phillip B. Rarick, Esq.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the world as we know it and presented daunting challenges we have not encountered in our life time. It requires a total review of your estate plan and business entities to assure you are taking full advantage of Florida laws designed to protect your family and business.

The hard new reality: What plan was best for you prior to 2020 may not be what is best for you today

By Phillip B. Rarick, Esq., Miami Asset Protection Attorney

If you have never checked Florida’s website for lost accounts and abandoned property you should do so – immediately. You may be pleasantly surprised!

You may think that it is not possible that you have any “unclaimed” property held by the State of Florida – and you could be wrong.

By: Jacqueline R. Bowden Gold

Our office handles probate estates for many out of state residents through our Florida Counsel services. In handling the estates there are three common problems we see with Non-Florida Wills that can easily be avoided by consulting with a Miami Estate Planning attorney. If you have a non-Florida resident who owns Florida real estate an ancillary administration may be required upon their passing.  You should consider these problems when drafting their Will:

  • Naming an out of State Attorney as Personal Representative or Executor.
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